My blog about kayaking with an extra focus on Valleys Nordkapp and Anas Acuta kayaks.
Some outdoors life in Sweden and the places around the world I travel to. Reviews on outdoors gear with mostly kayaking stuff..
At the bottom of my blog you can find all my Youtube videos on my playlist "AllSeasonsKayaking"

Tuesday, 29 March 2016


At Whit Monday me and a friend took our kayaks out for a trip on Lake Vänern. We started at Spiken on a beautiful day with no clouds but a bit of wind. Surprisingly enough the temperature was nice at about +10° C in the air despite the wind. The water temperature on the other hand was only +2°  C according to local fisherman.

Dry-suits on and away to a small island for a "fika" (Coffee break in Swedish). Very pleasant in the sun. After that onward to Naven light house where we had some lunch., Finally we arrived at our destination, a nice wooden wind-shelter close to the lake, here was also a convenient fire-pit.

After unpacking the kayaks we took an hour long walk along a nice path. A lot of moose droppings! Back at the campsite it was time to make dinner. I baked (and burnt Symb Sur.jpg) some bread and with that we had some grilled chorizo. A pot on the fire for tea and coffee is standard!

The night was not so cold and in my sleeping bag from Robert's Outdoor it was even a bit too hot at times. But better that then freezing.

A clear blue sky greeted us in the morning and we made som breakfast, packed our kayaks and off again. The forecast said more wind and some rain. On the way I heard the first great bittern (rördrom) with its distictive sound. It sound as when you blow into a bottle. Then we also saw a sea eagle circling above us not so far away (tried to take a photo of it but missed).
With the wind in our back we had good speed back to Spiken. Just a "fika" break on the way. Back at Spiken I did a roll in the cold water, the first outdoors for some time, then we decided to have our lunch at the open café, Emmelies cafe. Thanks for the lunch and company Frida.

A very nice two days out kayaking and about 50 km. The sun was actually warming a bit and I can feel in my face that I have gotten a bit sun burnt. Nice feeling Symb Nöjd.jpg

My norsaq and compass was with me

Some wind and sea. But never very exiting 

Frida in the sun

Naven light house overlooking Lake Vänern

Frida with her Skim Beaufort and my Anas Acuta

Taking the next photo (Thanks Frida for the photo)
And this is the result. My reflector oven.

The very nice shelter. Excellent place to stay the night. (Again Frida is the photographer)
And the required photo of the coffee pot. 

My GoPro and Kinnekulle in the background

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


I have been working a lot last week and been to tired to go out the few days I've had the chance to go kayaking. But now finally after some hours sleep and with I beautiful weather I took the chance.

Not far from our pilot station at "Sanden" in VänersborgI started at the still empty marina. Then along the coast past "Skräcklan" and to "Nordkroken" beach. Turning back I took some coffee at "Långa Maja" first.
A wonderful afternoon and most of the time I didn't need anything on my head! A first this year. But as you can see on a couple of the photos there are still some ice.

In the background the old water tower of Vänersborg
A break at "Långa Maja"

Nice sun

This was as far as I got this way
The ice is still pretty thick. But getting soft
Back at Vänersborg marina, No boats at all in the water yet.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

24 months

I have now been kayaking 24 months in a row. And all these months at least one time on Lake Vänern!
Today was a fantastic day on the Lake and the warmest yet this year. +8° C in the air. Still a bit of snow and ice but it is melting away rather quickly now. I started at Sunnanå and turned back at Köpmannebro, most of the way outside the islands as there are still ice inside the islands on most places.

At the start at Sunnanå

Found a nice lagoon where I could take some coffee

The sun was very nice today

I will try to save that canoe when the ice is gone

Back at Sunnanå. The marina is covered in ice.

Wilderness Fair in Stockholm


On March 11-13 I was working with Lena Conlan on Crossing Latitudes giving information about NOLS and WMI courses in wilderness first aid.

Here are a lot of photos from the Vildmarksmässan (Wilderness Fair)

Our both and Rope in the corner

Lena is selling Crazy Creek chairs
Me with a friend and blog reader
Visitors and me

My daughter Paula was there a day

Lena is showing how to stabilize a broken arm

Lena on stage talking about wilderness medicine

Melker kayaks
Stockholm kajak
More kayaks

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

On the Radio

Today the local radiostation P4 Radio Väst did a short interview with me about my trip to Alaska this summer.
Link to the program  (2h and 42 min. into the program)

Sorry all my friends who doesn't understand Swedish. This was done in my native tongue.

Monday, 7 March 2016

I made it!

Since I had made my norsaq I have tried to do a roll with it but not succeeding. But finally today after several tries I did it!
This was in our local swimming hall, Rådahallen, where me and some friends once again were practicing rolling and other kayaking skills.
The personell at Rådahallen are fantastic that lets us come there training after they close for the public. That is service!

A short clip of the roll

A longer version of the video clip (about 1 minute)

My Anas Acuta is waiting in the snow to be let in to the warm swimming hall.

My friends practicing

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Busy times ahaed

Yesterday was another day training indoors with rolling the kayak. Again I was in Lidköping and trying to teach some eager kayakers how to roll. One managed to do a roll and two was very close.

Here is a small video clip that my friend (and one of the organizers) Magnus has made. And I missed a roll! I tried to do a butterfly roll with a kayak I have never been in before and a paddle I have never used before. Bad excuses I know, but to my defense I did four butterfly rolls afterward in my own kayak. It almost never happens anymore that I miss a roll.

I will on Tuesday meet the organizers of Hunneberg Outdoors Exhibition to get some information about me representing Crossing Latitudes (and NOLS/WMI). That exhibition is at 9-10 of April.

On Wednesday a local radio station will interview me about my trip to Alaska this summer.It will be broadcasted at about 09:30 (local) on Wednesday on P4 Väst

Then on Thursday it's time to go to Stockholm for Vildmarksmässan and help Lena Conlan at Crossing Latitudes in our both at that exhibition. Here is a link to last year's fair.

I hope I have time to squeeze in some kayaking between al these activities and my piloting also.