My blog about kayaking with an extra focus on Valleys Nordkapp and Anas Acuta kayaks.
Some outdoors life in Sweden and the places around the world I travel to. Reviews on outdoors gear with mostly kayaking stuff..
At the bottom of my blog you can find all my Youtube videos on my playlist "AllSeasonsKayaking"

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Kayaking day five this week

A very, very good week with a lot of kayaking. And a lot of weather! It has been sun, rain, hail and snow. (And all of it today). See previous posts from the trips earlier this week.

Today we were outside Fjällbacka on the Swedish west coast (that's Skagerack, part of North Sea). It was a trip with Friluftsfrämjandet , a Swedish outdoors organization. Twelve of us made this wintry april trip. As I drove there with my car the temperature was at times down to 0°C and with heavy snow. But as we got off with our kayaks the sun was shining and it was rather nice but a bit fresh in the air.
First we went to Stensholmen and from the kayaks we saw the cemetery from British and German sailors who died at the Battle of Jutland, most famous was the author Gorch Fock. Next was Kalvö where we had some sight-seeing and a fika break.

As we left Kalvö it was heavy hail and snow but luckily no wind. It was rather cosy in our dry-suits and in the kayaks. After Kalvö we paddled around in the archipelago until we finally took our lunch at Getryggen island. We were all a bit cold by then so we kept it short and was soon in the kayaks again. After that we continued weaving around the islands on our way back to Hamburgsund.

A good trip and my first this year in salt water and I got to meet some old and new friends as well. That is always nice. I also did my first roll this year in the ocean.

On our way

Snow and hail on my Anas Acuta

Look at the water color!

More snow on the way?

Lunch break.


One of many fishing villages on the Swedish west coast.


View from Kalvö.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Around the island Kållandsö

Me and three friends took a longer trip around the island Kållandsö. W started Friday afternoon and finished almost 24 hours later. It was two very beautiful days with a lot of sun bot not very warm.
Just a few fishing boats out and one sailing boat. We stayed outdoors in the night and had a nice barbecue over open fire as the sun was setting.
On Saturday we continued when the sun had warmed the morning air a bit and stayed for lunch near Läckö Castle.
A very pleasant trip with three good friends.

Facts of the trip:

  • 43,5 km total distance (27 miles)
  • 6 hours 48 minutes kayaking time
  • Total time out 1 day 5 hours
  • Average speed 6.4 km/h (4 miles/h)
The track from my GPS

Sunset over my Anas Acuta

Fire and sunset
The pot is on the fire

Fika! (Coffee break)

Having breakfast 

Me :)

My friends with Kinekulle in the background.
Approaching Läckö Castle

Läckö Castle 

Martin in some seas


Naven Light house

Passing an osprey nest

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Two days of April

I was out on the 19th of April with a FB friend and we paddled my usual day-trip between Sunnanå and Köpmannebro. The weather forecast had promised nice weather, but a bit windy, and we actually got some rain. Never mind, it was a nice trip where we had good speed and not so many breaks. Good training. Hope we will take more trips Stefan!

Then the next day I had with me three other friends from Dalaborg around Hjortens Udde and back. That day we had a much more leisure tempo in our kayaks. Two breaks and longer ones in the nice warm sun. Only some clouds and a little bit of wind on the way back. As you can see on the photos it was almost summer in the air. The water temperature is still below 5°C but I did my usual roll before we finished. Thanks Björn, Lennart and Helena for a nice day on the Lake.

Here is a video from the last two days kayaking.

It didn't feel much as spring this day. 

Stefan south of Köpmannebro.
The next day was much nicer. Here I am carrying my kayak and all the gear.   Photo: Lennart Bergvall
North of Hjortens Udde the weak wind died completely. We just sat there and enjoyed ourselves.
On the way back some clouds but the sun still manged to peak through now and then.
Björn is rock steady
Lunch break at the lighthouse keepers house at Hjorten Udde.
Watching the rock carvings, about 3000 years old!
Break #2

Hunnebergs Outdoorsmässan

At an outdoors fair at Hunneberg I represented Crossing Latitudes and talked about NOLS/WMI and the courses they have. Two nice but very cold days in the big Tentipi tent. But I think it was rather successful and a lot of interested people came by and talked with me.

This was how it looked most of the time
Worming my hands on some coffee while talking to an interested visitor.
The tents
Filip, a scouting friend is signing for the news letter.
Two strange visitors. (The one to the right is my daughter Paula)

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

No more ice

For the first time this year I didn't see any ice on the lake or any snow on the shores. I think the winter is over!
I did a short trip at about 20 km from Sunnanå and towards Köpmannebro. In the calm evening I practiced some kayak technique and went in and out of bays and through small reefs. A wonderful evening all alone out on the Lake Vänern.

This coming weekend is it time for Hunneberg Outdoormässa (Outdoors fair). I will represent Crossing Latitudes and NOLS. Come and visit me there!

Hunnebergs Outdoormässa

Very empty at the guest harbour

Some of all the boathouses at Sunnanå

Not very windy today


Exploring passages between reefs

I need a more narrow kayak.