My blog about kayaking with an extra focus on Valleys Nordkapp and Anas Acuta kayaks.
Some outdoors life in Sweden and the places around the world I travel to. Reviews on outdoors gear with mostly kayaking stuff..
At the bottom of my blog you can find all my Youtube videos on my playlist "AllSeasonsKayaking"

Monday, 7 August 2017


Again at Svalnäs beach and this day it was more wind and higher seas. It was bloody perfect!

Photos of me by Magnus Hägg

Andreas Bergen & me

Photos of me by Andreas Berger


  1. so how does the Anas acuta surf, compared to the nordkapp?

    1. Hi Dan,
      The Nordkapp catches the waves a bit better and dosen't dig down as much with the bow into the waves as the AA. On the other hand it's a bigger kayak and when empty it's much more wind sensitive as it's higher, it can be really hard to turn in the wind. The AA with the sharp chines turns better on the wave and you can use the carving effect better. I prefer the Anas Acuta as it's more nimble and I can feel exactly where the turn-over-point is when edging the kayak. Very important when surfing!
      I also have my Gemini, mostly for surfing and rock hopping. It behaves like a mix of the Nordkapp and the AA. And it's plastic and can take a lot more beating then the other two.
